Posts Tagged ‘juniper’

Stout Beer Pickled Onions

Stout Beer Pickled Onions

What do you pickle in the middle of winter?  As I stare at the snow drifts out the kitchen window, I find I am at a real loss for something seasonal to pickle.  I have loads of pickled cucumbers and okra in the cupboard, but Read more ›

Smoked Molasses Ham

This year we celebrated the holidays with a proper holiday ham. The fresh pork leg came from a locally raised, pastured pig and was cured and smoked by yours truly. While there are lots of decent hams on the market, the satisfaction I get from curing my own ham with my own unique flavors makes processing my own pork well worth the effort. Read more ›

Honey Pepper Bacon

My immediate family comes together every two years for a week-long family vacation.  We hangout, we fish, we go on little adventures.  But the biggest thing we do is cook.  And of course eat.  The whole clan sits around a big table over a shared meal made from scratch almost every night.  Sunday was my day to cook, and for breakfast I made home-cured honey pepper bacon, with scratch sourdough pancakes.  Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
