Posts Tagged ‘homemade tofu’

Curry Spiced Tofu

Several posts ago I made my first tofu from scratch.  The process, while a bit time consuming, was pretty easy.  Then a few posts later, I made Cumin Jack Cheese, a monterey style jack studded with cumin seed and covered in smoked paprika.  And a thought struck me.  How come I never see flavored tofu?  Read more ›

A Cheese Makers Guide to Tofu

While I may be known for my meat-curing, dairy-loving ways, I really enjoy tofu.  I blame college.  I spent my college days at UC Santa Cruz, the vegan capital of the world.  Vegetarian food was cheap and easy to find in Santa Cruz and tofu was the protein of choice.  I also had a modern dancer for a roommate, so we frequently had tofu in the fridge.  Read more ›

A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
