Posts Tagged ‘dandelion shrub’

Dandelion Wine

Spring is finally upon us! And the dandelions are on the move, taking over lawns, one sunny flower at a time. My partner Christopher fondly remembers his family’s tradition of making Dandelion Wine, so last year we convinced (bribed) our neighborhood kids to pick as many of the bright yellow flowers as they could find. Read more ›

Dandelion Shrub

Dandelions are everywhere.  Every year I plan to make dandelion wine and every year I miss my chance.  So this year I made a last minute mad dash to forage the yellow blooms before the summer heat took over, but I only had 4 cups of petals, not nearly enough for a proper batch of wine.  So I made a shrub instead. My gin and tonic will never be the same.

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A chronicle of my adventures growing, preserving, cooking and eating from my garden and everywhere.
