1 lb. fresh morels
2 cloves garlic minced
3 tbs butter
pinch of dried thyme
1/2 c dry sherry
1/2c heavy cream
salt & pepper
crusty bread, toasted
There is much debate on cleaning morels, but I took the easy route and swished them in a sink full of water (not soaked), then held them under running water for particularly dirty ones. Don’t forget the hollow insides, where little bugs my be hiding. Dice the morels into 1 inch pieces. We had a combination of giant 5 inch Bigfoots and little 2 inch grays, so try to make everything uniform if you can. In a large sauce pan, melt the butter until bubbling, then add the garlic for a moment, then the morels and a pinch of thyme. Morels have lots of water so you want your pan on medium high to keep it boiling off. Once the mushrooms are tender and the water has boiled away (about 15-20 minutes), add the sherry. Toast your bread. Once the pan is dry, add the cream. Simmer until thick, then salt and pepper to taste. Place the toasted bread on a plate and spoon over the morels and sauce. Makes enough for 4, or 2 if you’re the mushroom hunters. Break out the bubbly. Lots of hard work should be rewarded! After all you are eating something worth north of $40 a pound.