2 c pineapple, finely chopped
1/4 c grapefruit peel, finely chopped
1/4 c fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 c honey
1 – 2 c white vinegar
In a quart jar, add pineapple, grapefruit peel, ginger and honey. Top off with white vinegar, leaving 1 inch of headroom at the top of the jar. Put on the lid and shake well. Honey may take a few days to fully dissolve.
Leave the jar on the countertop at room temperature for one week. Shake at least once a day. Beware that the shrub will ferment, and there may be a little carbonation in the jar. Just unscrew the jar to release the gases.
After a week, strain the shrub into a clean jar. May be stored at room temp or in the refrigerator. This shrub is fantastic mixed with sparking water on ice, or try it with this delicious rum drink, a Pineapple