2 c water
1 tsp loose tea or 1 tea bag
2 tbs sugar
3” round piece of vinegar Mother
1/4 c white vinegar
Because you are converting a vinegar Mother to a kombucha Mother, you need to grow it slowly in a small batch first so you don’t kill the vinegar Mother, and so that the new bacteria and yeast colony can adjust to their new food source.
Bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat, add the sugar and tea, and let brew off the heat for 10 minutes. Strain tea in to a wide, shallow glass container and let cool to room temp. Add the vinegar and vinegar Mother. Cover the container with cheese cloth and store in a warm spot. The new kombuch Mother skin should start to form in about a week. After a couple weeks the Mother should have thickened considerably (1/4 inch), and the kombucha should taste sour. Now you can make the next larger batch of kombucha and grow a Mother that will sustain multiple batches.
Repeat the kombucha recipe, but this time add the entire starter batch of your first kombucha with it’s Mothers (there should be two now, the original vinegar and new kombucha). Cover the container with cheese cloth and store in a warm spot. When the kombucha tastes sour, strain the kombucha, reserving the Mothers and at least 1 cup of kombucha for your next batch. Double the above recipe, add the 1 cup mature kombucha and a Mother for a quart batch. Your kombucha Mothers will begin multiplying. Keep them together, or start multiple batches. Or give them to friends!
The strained kombucha can now be consumed as is, or can be poured into a 750ml screw top soda bottle or bail top bottle to be carbonated. To carbonate the kombucha, add 1 tsp of sugar to the bottle before adding the kombucha. Seal and allow to sit 1-2 weeks at room temp. Chill before consuming.