It’s spring in Minnesota! And it’s a whole two weeks early. Unlike the east coast, who will probably be two weeks late this year, Minnesota is enjoying an unseasonably warm and lovely spring. Pale green leaves are peeking out of bare branches, flowers are rising forth from the warm soil and ducks and geese have returned along with the robins. The itch to get outside, dig in the dirt and eat green things is undeniable.
It’s still a little early for asparagus in Minnesota, but the southern states seem to be producing their fair share. For Easter I jumped the gun and just had to make some pickles. These pickles are spicy, crisp and a brilliant green/orange pop of color – just the thing to put a smile on the face of a winter-weary Minnesotan.
Also, my neighbor has been asking me to post this recipe ever since I left her samples, Easter bunny style, on her front porch. This one’s for you, Ms. Joyce!