I have a mustard-lover in my house. He eats mustard with everything; sandwiches, salad dressing, marinades, cheese, sausages, steak, veggies, you name it. I don’t even buy mustard anymore because it would put me in the poor house. So I like to make my own, in volume, a quart at a time. It’s ridiculous.
If you have not made your own mustard before, you really must try it. It’s so easy, not to mention inexpensive, that there’s really no sense in buying it. The only tricky part is getting mustard seed in bulk, since you need at least a cup of seed to get a pint of mustard. There are many great spice companies on line, like Penzeys Spices, where I buy mine. Or try your local ethnic food market or bulk food section of the co-op. The other ingredients are water or beer/wine and vinegar, followed by any number of flavorings from spices to herbs to sweeteners. Think about what you use mustard for so that it either complements or balances out a dish. My mustard-crazed partner likes it all, so I make a different mustard every time we run out. He’s my Guinea pig.