I’m a sucker for farmer’s markets. Where ever I go, I look up when and where the next market is. It’s a bit of an obsession, actually. I haven’t travelled a lot, but I have been to farmer’s markets in Paris; Bangkok; New York City; Hollywood, Santa Monica, downtown Los Angeles, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Mendicino and Ukiah, California; Tulum, Mexico; Ashfield, Massachusetts, and not to mention many of my local markets in the Twin Cities.
The market closest to my house on Saturday’s is the Midtown Farmer’s Market on Lake & Hiawatha. This morning I dropped by for sweet corn and extra canning tomatoes, but ended up also buying potatoes, onions, garlic, okra and maple syrup cotton candy. Whoops. But that’s the market for you. It always has something special. And the cotton candy from Sunrise Syrup was fabulous!